Best freelance jobs for accountants in 2023

Are you searching for the best freelance jobs for accountants? You are in the right place. So in this article, we will discover every aspect of freelancing and opportunities available for accountants as a freelancer.

A career in accounting is constantly in demand, particularly during economic transition and uncertainty. You might want to consider freelancing if you’re an accountant searching for flexibility, variety, and income possibilities.

Best freelance jobs for accountants

Freelance accountants participate in several activities related to the financial health of an organization. As an accountant, your role will include reviewing financial statements, data entry, developing financial reports, and reconciling/balancing general ledger accounts. You may also provide your clients with taxation, bookkeeping, auditing, payroll, financial planning, advisory, and consulting services.

Freelancing can offer many benefits, such as working from anywhere, setting your rates and hours, choosing your clients and projects, and improving your skills and knowledge.

READ MORE >> Best Bookkeeping Service Freelancers on Fiverr 

However, freelancing also comes with challenges, such as finding and retaining clients and dealing with competition.

In his article, we will explore some of the best freelance jobs for accountants in 2023. We will also share some tips and resources on how to find these jobs and succeed as freelancers.

What is freelancing?

Before diving into the best freelance jobs for accountants in 2023, let’s define freelancing.

Freelancing is a way of working that involves providing services to clients remotely and without being in a long-term employment contract. Freelancers are self-employed individuals who simultaneously can take on multiple projects with different clients.

Freelancers manage their own taxes, insurance, and other business expenses. Freelancing can offer many benefits, such as flexibility, choice, autonomy, and skill development. However, it also comes with challenges like isolation, uncertainty, competition, and responsibility.

Benefits of freelancing?

Freelancing can benefit accountants looking for flexibility, variety, and income potential. Some of the benefits of freelancing are given below.

Control over workload

You have the freedom to decide how much work you want to take on and when and where you want to complete it. You can also set your rates and negotiate the terms of each project. As a result, you have more control over your finances and balance work-life.

Choice of clients and projects

Freelancing allows you to select clients and projects that match your skills, interests, and goals.


With freelancing, you can work from anywhere, whether it’s your home, office, or a different country. You can also make your schedule to fit your personal and professional needs, such as working around family commitments or taking time off when needed.

Best freelance jobs for accountants


Freelancing allows you to be your boss and run your business. You have the freedom to handle your finances, set your own goals, and make decisions. Additionally, you have the ability to develop professionally and acquire new skills.


Freelancing can help you expand your network and reach new clients from different industries and locations. You may also showcase your work and skills in various places, including websites, blogs, social media, online portfolios, and blogs.

Disadvantages of freelancing

Freelancing is not without its challenges, and there are some disadvantages that accountants should be aware of before deciding to go freelance. Some of the disadvantages of freelancing are given below.

Uncertain income

Freelancing can be unpredictable and inconsistent. You may have periods of feast or famine, depending on the demand for your services, the availability of projects, and your client’s payment terms. You must also deal with late payments, non-payments, and invoicing issues. You have to manage your cash flow carefully and plan for emergencies.


Freelancing is a competitive market, and you may face challenges finding and retaining clients. You must market yourself effectively, showcase your skills and experience, and build trust and reputation. You must also keep up with your field’s latest trends and technologies and differentiate yourself from other freelancers.


Freelancing requires discipline, motivation, organization, and communication skills. You must manage all aspects of your business, such as finding clients, negotiating contracts, delivering quality work, meeting deadlines, collecting payments, and handling complaints. You must also balance your work and personal life and set boundaries between them.

Types of Freelance Accounting Jobs

Accounting is a broad field; as a freelancer, you can offer your accounting services to clients across different industries and sectors. Some of the types of freelance accounting jobs that you can pursue are


An auditor is responsible for examining and verifying the accuracy and completeness of financial statements, records, and transactions. An auditor can also provide clients with assurance, advisory, and compliance services.

Budget Analyst

A budget analyst is responsible for preparing and analyzing budgets and financial plans for an organization or a project. A budget analyst can monitor spending, evaluate performance, and recommend improvements to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Accounts Payable Specialist

An accounts payable specialist is responsible for processing and managing invoices and payments for an organization. Accounts payable specialists can also perform tasks such as reconciling accounts, resolving discrepancies, maintaining records, and communicating with vendors and suppliers.

Accounts Receivable Specialist

An Accounts Receivable Specialist is a professional who handles a company’s billing and payment collection processes. They use their project management, organization, and communication skills to ensure that invoices are sent, payments are received, and accounts are balanced.

An Accounts Receivable Specialist may also perform tasks such as creating reports, reconciling accounts, making bank deposits, and resolving customer disputes.

Tax Accountant

A tax accountant prepares and files tax returns for individuals or organizations. A tax accountant can also provide clients with tax planning, consulting, and advisory services.

Forensic Accountant

A forensic accountant is responsible for investigating and analyzing financial data and evidence for legal purposes. A forensic accountant can also provide clients with expert testimony, litigation support, fraud prevention, and risk management services.


A bookkeeper is responsible for recording and tracking the financial transactions of a business. A bookkeeper can also prepare financial statements, process payroll, and handle other administrative tasks.

Bookkeepers can work for any business that needs to keep records of its financial activities. Most bookkeepers do simple data entry.

Financial Modeler

Financial modeling and Financial analysis involve creating and analyzing financial models that represent the performance or value of a business, project, or asset. A financial modeler can also use various tools and techniques to forecast future scenarios, conduct sensitivity analysis, and evaluate risks and opportunities. Financial modelers can work for various clients, such as investors, lenders, managers, or consultants.

Financial Records and Management

A freelance accountants should also maintain the financial record of their clients. Financial records and financial management are also required from an accountant.

How to Get Started in Freelance Accounting

To become a freelance accountant, you must take steps and work hard to prepare yourself for this career path. Below are some tips to become a successful freelance accountant.

Get the right Skills

You should learn about this field if you are not a practicing accountant. You can start with bookkeeping which is not too hard, and you can succeed as a bookkeeper with hard work and dedication. You will learn many things about this field by providing basic accounting services like bookkeeping services. After that, you can enlarge your skills and provide more services.

Establish your business

You can also establish your business. You must decide whether to operate as a sole trader or a limited company and register your business accordingly. Each option has pros and cons, so you should research and consult an accountant or lawyer before deciding.

Develop your business model

Consider how you want to run your freelance accounting business and what services you want to offer. You should consider your target market, niche, pricing strategy, payment terms, and marketing plan. A freelance accountant should also set clear goals and objectives for their business and track their progress and performance regularly.

Start finding clients

Once you have everything set up for your freelance accounting business, you can look for clients and projects. You can use various methods to find work, such as networking, referrals, online platforms, social media, or advertising.

Freelance accountants should also create a portfolio or a website that showcases their skills and experience and attracts potential clients. You should also have a contract or an agreement outlining each project’s scope, deliverables, fees, deadlines, and expectations.

Best Freelancing Websites for Accountants

If you are looking for freelance accounting jobs or clients, you must use some online platforms that connect freelancers with potential employers. Many freelancing websites exist for accountants, but some stand out for their features, reputation, and quality. Below are some of the best freelancing websites for accountants.


Upwork is one of the most popular and well-known freelancing platforms, with millions of users. Upwork allows you to create a detailed profile, showcase your portfolio, and bid on projects that match your skills and preferences.

You can also use advanced filters like location, hourly rate, feedback score, and availability to narrow your search. Upwork charges a service fee that ranges from 5% to 20%, depending on your lifetime earnings with each client.


Fiverr is another popular and widely used freelancing platform, with thousands of gigs across different categories. Fiverr works differently from Upwork, as you create and sell your services or packages rather than bidding on projects posted by clients. You can set your prices, delivery time, and requirements for each gig. You can also use filters like budget, delivery time, seller level, and ratings to find suitable gigs. Fiverr charges a flat 20% service fee for each completed order. is one of the largest and oldest freelancing platforms, with over 50 million users and projects across various categories. allows you to create a profile, showcase your portfolio, and bid on projects that match your skills and preferences.

You can also use filters, such as budget, duration, skills required, and contest type, to find suitable projects. charges a service fee that ranges from 10% to 20%, depending on your membership plan and project.

Important Skills for Freelance Accountants

Freelance accountants must-have skills that enable them to provide quality services to their clients and succeed in a competitive and dynamic market. Some of the important skills for accountants in freelancing are

Accounting knowledge and expertise

Freelance accountants must have solid accounting principles, practices, and standards foundation. They must also keep up with the latest developments and changes in accounting regulations, laws, and technologies. They should have relevant qualifications, such as a bachelor’s degree in accounting or a certification from a professional body, such as ACCA, CIMA, ICAEW, or CPA (certified public accountant).

Accounting software skills

Freelance accountants must be proficient in using various accounting and finance software, accounting systems, and tools, such as QuickBooks Online or Desktop, Xero, Excel, SAP, or FreshBooks.

Communication skills

Communication skill is very important to become successful as a freelancer. Freelance accountants must have excellent written and verbal communication skills. They must communicate clearly and effectively with their clients, stakeholders, and other professionals.

They also need to be able to present complex financial data and information simply and understandably. A freelance accountant should also have good listening skills and be able to ask relevant questions and provide feedback.

Organization and time management skills

Freelance accountants must have strong organization and time management skills, as they often work on multiple projects with different clients and deadlines. They must plan, prioritize, and execute their tasks efficiently and effectively.

Freelance accountants should also have a reliable system and process for tracking their work progress and performance.

Tips for Finding the Right Jobs

Finding the right job is one of the most important and challenging aspects of freelancing. The right clients value your services, pay you fairly and on time, communicate well, and provide interesting and rewarding projects. Below are some tips for finding the right clients or jobs for your freelance accounting business.

Define your ideal client

Before looking for clients, you should know who your ideal client is. You should consider their industry, size, location, budget, needs, goals, and expectations. You should also consider what services you want to offer and what projects you enjoy working on. A clear profile of your ideal client will help you target your marketing efforts and filter out unsuitable prospects.

Network with other professionals

Networking with other professional accountants or related professionals can help you find referrals, recommendations, or leads for potential clients. You can network with other professionals by joining local business groups or attending industry events.

You can also use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook to connect with other Account professionals and share your expertise and insights. Networking can also help you learn from others’ experiences and best practices.

Create a website

A website is a powerful tool to showcase your services and attract potential clients. A website can help you establish your credibility, professionalism, and personality. A website can also help you generate leads by providing contact information, testimonials, case studies, or a blog. You should ensure your website is clear, concise, and user-friendly. You should also optimize your website for search engines using relevant keywords and content.

Offer free consultations or discounted rates

Free consultations can help you attract new clients and demonstrate your value. Free consultations can help you understand the client’s needs and expectations, establish rapport and trust, and propose a suitable solution. Discounted rates can help you entice clients on a tight budget or unsure about hiring you. However, you should be careful not to undervalue your services.


Freelance accounting is a rewarding and flexible career option for accountants who want to work independently and provide services to different clients. Freelance accountants can enjoy many benefits, such as working from anywhere, setting their rates and hours, choosing their clients and projects, and improving their skills and knowledge.

However, freelance accounting also comes with challenges, such as finding and retaining clients, managing cash flow and taxes, dealing with competition and market fluctuations, and handling the administrative aspects of running their business. You must have the right skills, qualifications, tools, and strategies to succeed as a freelance accountant.

You must also find the best freelancing websites and platforms to help you find freelance jobs or clients. In this article, we have covered some of the best freelance jobs for accountants in 2023 and some tips and resources on how to find and land these jobs. We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you.

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