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AFF Islamabad Test Feedback 07-May-2023

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CA Pakistan
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AFF Isb Test Feedback

10 questions each for numerical, verbal and analytical
A man borrowed a sum and his simple interest was 3000 for 2 years and 4500 for 5 years, what was the sum?
A man completes a job in 120 days while another completes it in 168,what percentage of the work will be done if they work together for 28 days?
A's income is 20% more than Bs, Bs is 20% less than Cs and Ds is 10% more than Cs if As income is 3840 what is Ds income?
What is the probability that all 3 A class buses are travelling at the same time out of 5 buses?
Sentence arrangement questions
Fill in the blank questions
How many different 3 digit numbers can be made with 1 and 2
If H=0 and A=1, complete the series
There were multiple questions of the same type which got a bit tricky

CA Pakistan
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AFF Isb Test feedback (11 am) - Overall the test was easy

Numerical Reasoning :(Easy)
1 qs of Venn Diagram
1 qs of ratio and proportion
qs from Profit & loss
1 qs - calculate monthly income (use of weighted avg.)
qs from time and work
qs form percentage

Verbal Reasoning:( Very Easy)
7 qs from correct sequence of sentence
3 qs of fill in the blank using appropriate words

Analytical Reasoning :(Medium)
1 qs of distance
1 qs of time (no. of hrs in which patient will take all medicine)
1 qs - eqvivalent no. of pairs
2 venn diagrams
2-3 qs from odd man out
remaining qs- which no. comes next in the shape

CA Pakistan
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3)If average height of grandmother and grand father is 174cm, grandfather and grand son is 150cm, and grandmother and grandson is 140cm then height of grandmother is?

4)if simple interest on 15000 for 4 years and 22000 for 3 years is 15120 what is rate of interest?

5) if x is 40 percent of y then 10x is percent of y?

6) if in a class of 30 students 70 percent learn English, 40 percent learn Germany and. 10 percent learn both then students who learn only English how much more than woh learn only German?

7) if we have 4 balls of different colurs and we have to pick any ,2 in how many ways we can pick?

In english portion 5 are jumbled sentences and 5 are fill in the blanks

CA Pakistan
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CA Pakistan
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AFF Islamabad test feedback:
Test was overall easy but the math portion has 2 or 3 medium difficulty level questions
One math question was DMAS
2 were of finding x
Same question that was included in test pdf file made my sir saboor was included in test( A is running 4 miles per hour...started at 10AM....B started after 5 hours at 6 miles per what distance will they both meet)
30 litres of milk has 2:3 of water and much water to make it 1:1
Zinc is read as YJMC then how should ..... letter be read
English section had multiple jumbled sentences....some of them were:
Eclipse is a phenomenon that happens when view of Sun is obstructed
One from seating arrangement:
Three seats on a train....two people sitting together.... 2 persons sit at 3rd seat leaving 1 3rd seat....tell who has that free 3rd seat
4 houses can be coloured with 6 colors but colors should not be the same....tell how many ways....
3 questions were to find the mossing figure from the diagram
2 were fill in the blanks with appropriate grammer...
2 questions were relating from simple interest
That's all I can remember

CA Pakistan
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AFF Islamabad test feedback:-
3 sections
Simple interest questions
Ratio and proportion
Speed distance time
Length of perimeter
Seating arrangement
Series question
Jumbled sentences
Fill in the blanks with preposition
Number puzzle
Ven diagram

2 coding- decoding waly question thy
2 Simple interest
Sitting arrangement
Blood relation
Profit loss
Number puzzle or series
English mein jumbled sentences or prepositions

CA Pakistan
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AFF feedback

-5 jumbled sentences
-premosition like with/on etc
-difference between their and there.
-2 from last paper feeback ie replace the ques mark(square 2 numbers and add them)
-simple interest.
-verbal sequence
-if inflation of fruit’s increased by 24% how much consumption to be reduced to maintain same income.
-if milk and water having 11:19 ration how much to add in water to maintain 75% water and 25% milk
- Circles given and ask what it represents, option were apple, vegitable etc the ans was none of above.

CA Pakistan
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AFF Test Islamabad

Section 1
•Calculate Ratio
•find Age using Average
•Simple interest
•Syllogism (4 Qs)

Section 2
Only 2 type Qs
•Ordering sentences
•Fill in the blanks

This was the easiest section

Section 3
•Combination and permutation (3 Qs)
•Missing figure find Krni thy( 3 Qs thy is type k 1 easy tha 2 mushkil thy)
•seat Arrangement k 2 Qs thy
•Greater or less than?

Jumbled words thy... Very easy
Fill in the blanks

Maths portion and logic:
*Find the wrong series.
13-17, 19-23, 29-31, 45-53

*If A is ÷, b is ×, c is -, d is + .... Then find 46A23B12D8B7

* If 5P9R11= 56
12R3P7.= 33
6P15R2= ??

5 students were asked about Monday timetable .... They told 2 subjects . One statement is wrong 2nd is right .... Select the correct timetable...
One student said first period is of maths and second logic
Second student said third period is maths and 5 sport etc

* Anna sets a code of 3 letters, there must be 2 zeros ... What are possible ways ?

* 20 men have to construct a house in 60 days working 8 hrs a day. In 20 days they have completed 1/4 of work. How much hrs they need to work Daily to complete

CA Pakistan
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*AFF Islamabad 7 May, 2023
Test Feedback

Numerical reasoning
2 question from Code
1 avg weight
1 age
1 share of profit
1 Simple interest
1 speed

Verbal reasoning
5 jumbled up questions
5 fill in the blanks

Analytical thinking
3 question of missing figure
1 question of equivalent
2 question of sitting arrangement
2 of combination

CA Pakistan
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AFF Ferguson Islamabad text
Time 11:00
1) Agar 5:2 ha copper r zinc ma
Agar 12 add karny pay zinc ma ratio 5:4 ban jay to copper ki kya value hogi
2) 1,3,0 in k kitny 2 digit number ban sakty ha Agar number repeat b ho to
3) Agar 36 students ha 18 k pass cats r 24 k pass dogs ha aur 6 k pass kuj ni yo ktno k pass cats aur dogs dono hongy
4) Agar ak rainbow k 7 colours ha to kitny 2 digit number arrangement ho sakty ha
5) ak school k 400 members ha un ma sa ham na present select karna ha to kitny no of ways sa ham present ko select kar sakty ha
6) 3,5,11,21,43,.... seq wala
7) ak table ma 6 log bathy ha agar X k opposite Y ha to

CA Pakistan
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AFF Islamabad.
The test was moderately difficult.

Some questions:
If footballs are cars and
Cars are vultures.
What is the right conclusion
Some footballs are vultures
Any other conclusion. I forgot.

In code words if temper is written as Pycusi
How kindle will be written

You have 2 letters X and Y 2 numerals 1 2, how many times you can tag different busses using these letters .

So permutation and combination questions

Some arrangements questions.

CA Pakistan
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1. If + indicates ÷, ÷ represent *, * represent -, - represent +, then value of -?
2. Some roads are straight
All straight are highways
Conclusion thats follows are :
a) some highway are straight road
b) some roads are highway
c) all roads are highways
d)no highway are straight
3. A@ B indicates A is greater than B, A %B indicates A is less than B then M@O%P@Q indicates
a) P is greater than M
b) P is smallest
c) P is greatest
d) O is smaller than M and P
4. don't remember
5. % represent >, ® represent not less than, # represent not equal to, $ represent equal to, & represent not greater than, @represent less than, then P%Q@R follows :
a) q not less than P> r
b) p equal to q> r
c) r not greater than q not less than p
d) p not less than q and r
6. The cost price of 27 articles is equal to the selling price of 30 articles. What is the profit/ loss percentage?
7. Alex lent sum of $4800 and paid $1224 simple interest after 3 years. What is rate of interest?
8. Kelly goes from home to market by bicycle at 30m/hr speed and return to starting point at 20m/hr. Find the avergae speed?
9. From a sum of money $3 simple interest per day is earn at a rate of 10% pa. Assuming 365 days a year find the sum?
10. 7 yrs ago albert purchased appartment. His present age is 8/7 times age at time of purchasing. What was the age at the time of purchasing?

P. stood at the podium and looked out
Q. Over the attendees of the
R. Annual radio TV digital news association gala
S. On the evening of 15th oct, 1958, veteran correspondent Edward. R. Murrow

P. No completing form of transport
Q. No subsequent technological innovation, no other industry
R. Been brought about by invention and adoption of railway
S. Has wrought of facilitated change on the scale that has

P. Fans are conditioned to cheer for athletes
Q. Who play with a ruthlessly aggressive style
R. A prractice that encourages players
S. To deliberately push one another

P. The class ended
Q. And the old man
R. Crawled out
S. Of the class

P. Back to childhood and
Q. Our friendship dating
R. College was
S. Completely revived

6. __ each territory would have separate laws, the new country's leaders realized that federation allowed ___ controls to the president.
a) because, much
b) as, many
c) however, upon
d) since, more

7. Despite its exculpatory tone, __conducting the investigation ____in their hearts that president is guiltu of perjury.
a) these, know
b) them, knew
c) those, know
d) these, knowing

8. The incensed customer __ a refund ___ the torn dress.
a) demands, along
b) demanded, for
c) demanding, before
d) demand, off

9. My daughter did not listen to me when i tolf her to __ the stray cat alone, but i guess it is alright since her efforts helped ___ the starving animal back to health.
a) left, nursing
b) leaving, nursed
c) leaves, nurses
d) leave, nurse

10. Due to my grandmother's love __ sewing and knitting, she would sew a smock for me to ___ because i always like a decorated neckline.
a) fore, wore
b) around, wearing
c) of, wear
d) with, worn

1. Which figure has largest green coloured area
2. There are 400 students in a school. We need to select 1 president and 1 vice president. In how many ways can this be done?
a) 400*400
b) 400*399
c) 400+400
d) 400+399
3. I have 5 different books. How many different doublets of book can i choose?
a) 10
c) 16
d) 18
4. How mang pairs are not equivalent?
Qj4 | qj4, N341 | N341, N34#j2 | N34#j2, 813%5BTR | 8135%BTR, 130mjn#1%199 | 130mjn1#%991, ble491876@21@ | ble491876@21@, @61891goBTmyn#1 | @61981goTBmyn#1

5. 3847 1111 22
5649 1113 24
3978 1215 ?

6. Six players took part in a single table tennis competition. How many matches have taken place if every player has played with everyone just once?

7. Put the appropriate sign
5/4 + 4/3 ___3/7 + 8/9
8. Put sign
5/8 + 6 __ 2.54* 3

9. Figure find value of ?

Refer pic

10. Find?
Refer pic
About today's test
there was one more puzzle wala qs
so NSEW directions mein numbers thsy and North wale ko south se divide karke whatever the ans was usko E mein add karke W araha tha (this was the pattern)
and missing figure was at the south, North - 12
East - 6
West - 10
so south mein 3 was the correct ans

Today Test feedback for Aff. Pwc isb.
Numerical reasoning questions were bit tough to solve with in time.. in 1st session time management was the only issue
Verbal reasoning 2nd session was easy for those who are good in english grammer and speaking as well (jumbled sentences) can easily b solved if u are a good speaker
Logical reasoning was tricky but once u carked the trick its more than easy.👊🏻
Best of luck for u all

Islamabad PWC test feedback 11am
Average 1Qs,
Percentage 1 qs
Profit and loss 2 qs
Sentence jumble 5 Qs
Odd man out shapes 1qs
Numeric missing figure puzzle 3 qs
Alphabet puzzle 2 qs
Seating arrangement 1 qs
(> < = ) 1 qs
Work and time 1 qs
+ preposition k 2-3 qs thy

CA Pakistan
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Aff islamabad test:
Jumbled sentences k questions thy (easy)
Aik question family relationships k bare me tha(family tree bnana hojayega)
Ratios (age related)
(Aj 2 bndoon ki aj ki ratio itni hai aur 20 saal baad itni hojaye gi btaeen 2030 me kia hoga A ki age)
Missings words thy(english aati ho hojatay)
Aik question " does this sentence belong to that paragraph" tha
Number series
Missing number
How many equivalents pairs
Percentage numerical
<>% which one will apply
Bs yahi yaad aa rha. Hope you are feeling better

CA Pakistan
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Test feedback AFF Isl

English portion:
4 jumbled sentences.
just pick one option and read the sentences according to that option and you will easily solve.

others were sentenes with 2 blanks to fill usually with options in different forms of verb.

this is the Marks scoring section.

Analytical reasoning:
1 Q of venn diagram

2 missing number Qs 1 easy 1 a little tricky

football team (or player maybe, dont remeber fully) has 2 shirts of red and blue color, shorts of pink and green color and socks of black and purple color.In how many ways can the match be started.

There are 5 buses in a city.Only 3 of them are of class A.How many possibilities are there that all 3 buses are working in the city at the same time.

How may equivalent figures in the given diagram?

√727 __ 23.Put sign
=, <, >, not equal to

another question like above

How many dancing pairs can be formed from 10 men and 4 women such that each pair has one male and one female.

Math section.
Hardest of all sections.

jason is on 8th from the front of a row of 28 people.
6 people cut the row and stood in front of jason.Now what is the position of jason from the the back of the row.

another question on same principles as above

Don't remember other questions.

CA Pakistan
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Pwc Islamabad feedback
*Blood relation 3qs
*Simple interest: if after 10 years the interest is 50% principles after how many years it will be equal to principle?
*Sequence 2qs: person A is 13th in line from the start and B is 17th from end how many people in total
And a question involving circle
*a boy takes 150 days to complete a work n a girl takes 180 days. How many days will 5 boys n 3 girls take?
*Venn diagram
*Number puzzles 4qs
*Permutations n combination 2qs

English portion was easy
*Max questions were jumble sentences
*Two fill in the blanks
