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AFF Lahore Previous Test Feedback

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CA Pakistan
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AFF Test Feedback

English and analytical thinking were easy.
But do practice was easy though but i couldn't attempt it properly due to lack of preparation and time management..

In english section
There were 5 mcqs from arrangement of sentences
3 aasaan they 2 ajeeb they
Almost 5 were of filling the blanks where there were 2 blanks only in a 2 liner single sentence... 20 minutes were literally more than enough
U can do it in less than 12 minutes

In logical reasoning
2 questions were belonging from cross shapes followed by numbers, and 2 questions of_square shapes_ containing 8 figures with the missing 9th one as shown by saboor bhai in images sent earlier
1 question of differentiating a diagram from 4 others
U can do such mcqs by relating the sequence of arrangement of figures like circle me square, us me triange,us me hexagon wagera..
1 mcq was relating to seating arrangement
Rest of others
2 qs were from venn diagram.. etc to the extent i remember

In Numerical section

2 qs were relating to simple interest
With missing figures also, so practice it well from indiabix
Ratio proportion, which was also calculated after following some steps
Time and rate ka ek question thaa
Like point x or y me 90 miles ka difference hai
A bhaaga 10 am pe with 5 mph speed or b bhaaga 10 am k 3 hours k baad with 7.5 mph... when till they meet? And options were given
Like 6 pm, 4 pm etc

Rest of the part was not much technical and easily achievable

Simple interest
Ratio and proportion

Do aff sample paper..(particularly maths portion)

CA Pakistan
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Question asked in 3:30 session of Affco

What is next in sequence.

1,2,4,8,16, ? (What number should replace ?)

847,790,733,678,625,574, ?
( what Number replaces ?)

There are 2 mothers and 2 daughters in a family (how many least family members)

There was one vertical line in first box, 2 horizontal lines in 2nd, _____?, 4 horizontal lines in 4th box.
Identify structure of 3rd box.

There were 5 or 6 questions in which candidate was required to rectify the grammatical errors in bold words/phrases from the passage.
Such as
Lily was thinking about utilization of her time since her retirement , so she watched television all day.
1. After retirement, so she watched television all day.
2. Retiring, so she watched television all day.
3. Before retirement, so she watched television all day.
4. No correction

There was also use of keyboard
Like in question of numberical reasoning
Candidate was required to type next number in series
1,2,4,8,16,___(type next)

There was use of keyboard in all of these questions in my attempt.

There was also a curve along with small line.
You have to notice movement of curve and line simultaneously in all 3 steps.
You have to identify 4th one.

(i.e, line was rotating at 45 degree whereas curve change its place by 180 degree)
So keep you mind fresh and present in your ANALYTICAL THINKING portion.

Anyone more thing, in english portion, you have to place best suitable word in a sentence.
Such as;
She noticed the movement of slithering of snake that moved ____while passing from edge of field.
1. Cautiously
2. Actively
3. Haphazardly
4. Slowly

I am focusing on english more as majority of aspirants has more problem on english rather than numerical and analytical reasoning.

Read the question carefully and replace the bold phrase with best suitable sentence from options given below.

Mr John's dog was surprised to see baby in it's house as it never saw any human being more smaller than itself.
1. Much smaller than itself
2. So smaller than itself
3. Even smaller than itself
4. More smaller than itself

Mr Nick does not has many friends because he treated them harshly.

1. Does not have much friends
2. Did not has many friends
3. Did not have much friends
4. Does not has much friends.

Due to timid nature of supervisor, New Boss at leading company has difficultly in ______his(supervisor's) authority over employees.

Put the best suitable word in the blank
1. Allowing
2. Notifying
3. Asserting
4. Asking


Numerical aptitude consisted of questions similar to the following in nature:

•Finding the shortest distance between 2 points
•Simple interest problems
•Father son age problem
•time and rate
•ratio proportion

Verbal Aptitude consisted of absolutely no vocabulary.. there were only 2 types of questions tha were tested (5 times each)

•Unjumble the given phrases to make a logical sentence
•fill in the blank with appropriate articles/pronouns/prepositions etc.

Logical Reasoning was rather diverse. It tested the following concepts:
•Which of the following options can be formed from the given dice map.
•People sitting opposite to each other and finding what person is sitting next to whom under given circumstances.
•Venn diagram based sets (among 80 people 55 like coffee, 47 like many people like only coffee)
•how many squares in the image
Completing logical diagrams. I’ll send a reference photo too.

Assemble the following words to form a proper sentence:

P: because it was cold
Q: in the microwave
R: I heated
S: my coffee



AFF Test Feedback

English and analytical thinking were easy.
But do practice was easy though but i couldn't attempt it properly due to lack of preparation and time management..

In english section
There were 5 mcqs from arrangement of sentences
3 aasaan they 2 ajeeb they
Almost 5 were of filling the blanks where there were 2 blanks only in a 2 liner single sentence... 20 minutes were literally more than enough
U can do it in less than 12 minutes

In logical reasoning
2 questions were belonging from cross shapes followed by numbers, and 2 questions of_square shapes_ containing 8 figures with the missing 9th one as shown by saboor bhai in images sent earlier
1 question of differentiating a diagram from 4 others
U can do such mcqs by relating the sequence of arrangement of figures like circle me square, us me triange,us me hexagon wagera..
1 mcq was relating to seating arrangement
Rest of others
2 qs were from venn diagram.. etc to the extent i remember

In Numerical section

2 qs were relating to simple interest
With missing figures also, so practice it well from indiabix
Ratio proportion, which was also calculated after following some steps
Time and rate ka ek question thaa
Like point x or y me 90 miles ka difference hai
A bhaaga 10 am pe with 5 mph speed or b bhaaga 10 am k 3 hours k baad with 7.5 mph... when till they meet? And options were given
Like 6 pm, 4 pm etc

Rest of the part was not much technical and easily achievable

Simple interest
Ratio and proportion

Do aff sample paper..(particularly maths portion)

CA Pakistan
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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 130
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There were 5 or 6 questions in which candidate was required to rectify the grammatical errors in bold words/phrases from the passage.
Such as
Lily was thinking about utilization of her time since her retirement , so she watched television all day.
1. After retirement, so she watched television all day.
2. Retiring, so she watched television all day.
3. Before retirement, so she watched television all day.
4. No correction

Question asked in 3:30 session of Affco

What is next in sequence.

1,2,4,8,16, ? (What number should replace ?)

847,790,733,678,625,574, ?
( what Number replaces ?)

There are 2 mothers and 2 daughters in a family (how many least family members)

There were one vertical line in first box, 2 horizontal lines in 2nd, _____?, 4 horizontal lines in 4th box.
Identify structure of 3rd box.

Anyone more thing, in english portion, you have to place best suitable word in a sentence.
Such as;
She noticed the movement of slithering of snake that moved ____while passing from edge of field.
1. Cautiously
2. Actively
3. Haphazardly
4. Slowly

There was also a curve along with small line.
You have to notice movement of curve and line simultaneously in all 3 steps.
You have to identify 4th one.

(i.e, line was rotating at 45 degree whereas curve change its place by 180 degree)
So keep you mind fresh and present in your ANALYTICAL THINKING portion.

There was also use of keyboard
Like in question of numberical reasoning
Candidate was required to type next number in series
1,2,4,8,16,___(type next)

There was use of keyboard in all of these questions in my attempt.

I am focusing on english more as majority of aspirants has more problem on english rather than numerical and analytical reasoning.

Read the question carefully and replace the bold phrase with best suitable sentence from options given below.

Mr John's dog was surprised to see baby in it's house as it never saw any human being more smaller than itself.
1. Much smaller than itself
2. So smaller than itself
3. Even smaller than itself
4. More smaller than itself

Mr Nick does not has many friends because he treated them harshly.

1. Does not have much friends
2. Did not has many friends
3. Did not have much friends
4. Does not has much friends.

Due to timid nature of supervisor, New Boss at leading company has difficultly in ______his(supervisor's) authority over employees.

Put the best suitable word in the blank
1. Allowing
2. Notifying
3. Asserting
4. Asking

Historically, during the recent three induction cycles, the pattern of AFF Test has been as follows:

Number of Questions: 30 Questions
Number of sections: 3 sections
1. Verbal Reasoning – English – 10 Questions – 20 minutes
2. Numerical Reasoning - Mathematics – 10 Questions – 20 minutes
3. Analytical Reasoning – Logical – 10 Questions – 20 minutes

Total Duration: 1 hour

If you complete any section before the lapse of time, no surplus time shall be carried forward to any other section. Plus you can go back and revise your solutions before the lapse of 20 minutes in the section you are attempting.

In order to practice for AFF Test, please refer the sample test and IndiaBix Links above. I think the sample paper is not available right now at AFFCo Website so I have shared the one from last time.

The test is the very crucial stage of getting into interview stage of AFF, and since the competition level is very high, please take the test very seriously.

What is next in sequence.

1,2,4,8,16, ? (What number should replace ?)

847,790,733,678,625,574, ?
( what Number replaces ?)

There are 2 mothers and 2 daughters in a family (how many least family members)

There was one vertical line in first box, 2 horizontal lines in 2nd, _____?, 4 horizontal lines in 4th box.
Identify structure of 3rd box.

There were 5 or 6 questions in which candidate was required to rectify the grammatical errors in bold words/phrases from the passage.
Such as
Lily was thinking about utilization of her time since her retirement , so she watched television all day.
1. After retirement, so she watched television all day.
2. Retiring, so she watched television all day.
3. Before retirement, so she watched television all day.
4. No correction

There was also use of keyboard
Like in question of numberical reasoning
Candidate was required to type next number in series
1,2,4,8,16,___(type next)

There was use of keyboard in all of these questions in my attempt.

There was also a curve along with small line.
You have to notice movement of curve and line simultaneously in all 3 steps.
You have to identify 4th one.

(i.e, line was rotating at 45 degree whereas curve change its place by 180 degree)
So keep you mind fresh and present in your ANALYTICAL THINKING portion.

Anyone more thing, in english portion, you have to place best suitable word in a sentence.
Such as;
She noticed the movement of slithering of snake that moved ____while passing from edge of field.
1. Cautiously
2. Actively
3. Haphazardly
4. Slowly

I am focusing on english more as majority of aspirants has more problem on english rather than numerical and analytical reasoning.

Read the question carefully and replace the bold phrase with best suitable sentence from options given below.

Mr John's dog was surprised to see baby in it's house as it never saw any human being more smaller than itself.
1. Much smaller than itself
2. So smaller than itself
3. Even smaller than itself
4. More smaller than itself

Mr Nick does not has many friends because he treated them harshly.

1. Does not have much friends
2. Did not has many friends
3. Did not have much friends
4. Does not has much friends.

Due to timid nature of supervisor, New Boss at leading company has difficultly in ______his(supervisor's) authority over employees.

Put the best suitable word in the blank
1. Allowing
2. Notifying
3. Asserting
4. Asking
