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Crowe Islamabad Test Feedback Summer 2022

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Crowe Islamabad I-8 test feedback 30 May 2pm

1. IFRS 15 Revenue recognition criteria
2. Leases (What was the reason behind transition from IAS 17 to IFRS 16)
3.Public co. and small co. under ITO 2001
4. Taxable supplies
5. What assertions do external confirmation verify?
6. Inventory year end verification procedures
7. The disclosure requirements for Public co. under CA 2017 fall under which schedule?
8. A company (unlisted) but according to third schedule of CA 2017 a public interest co. The disclosure requirements fall under which schedule?
9. Going concern uncertainity k 2 scenarios the audit opinion and report modification k hawale se.
10. Assets addition and disposal procedures related to audit.
11. Is provision created for onerous contractsl
