GT Islamabad test f...
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GT Islamabad test feedback June-2023

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GT Islamabad test feedback on 17_6_2023

IFRS 9 ka question ak th..JL and KL wla.
IFRs 16 ka study text sy chota short th..batan tah lease banti ha ya nhi.
IAs 12.traingle limited spring 2023 ka question th.

Audit 2 question.
Intial audit pr additional consideratio..
Impact on report.. stock count was not made at year end.y

20 marks mcqs.
Company law th or reporting.
in my sy kn step IFRs 15 my nhi ha.
director ki meeting kith arsy my honi chauya.
NPO licence cancel kb tk petition file kr ga..days puchy thy🙄
Going concern ka ISA.
IAs 320 ka mcqs th.
unlisted company ki FS kn sign kry ga.
conceptual frameworks ka ak mcqs th..real term pofit calculate krna th.
materiality bench mark ka mcqs th ak..
operating segment kis ki F/S my disclose hoga Parent/Consolidation...
or baki bhi reporting k thy..

and at the end..
Why Gt?
where did u see yourself in 5 years?
what make you different.?

suggestion to next fellows..
Last three questions test sy paly prepare kr ly..or yaad kr ly..or test my ja k paste kr dy.. hopefully test mange ho jy ha ga..whn pr goals wghr bhul chuky hoty is kiya paly sy tiyrr kr ly.
