Yousuf Adil Intervi...
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Yousuf Adil Interview Feedback 16-May-2023

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Yousuf Adil Karachi interview as on 16 may (FTS-33)

Interview was scheduled at 11:30
They asked just for the original CNIC kept it at the reception and returned after the int.
I reached at 11 there were already 2 candidates waiting
Interviews started at 11:15 jo sab se pehle aya tha uska int. sab se pehle lia gaya
1st candidate's interview lasted 13 min
2nd candidate's=around 15 mins
mine's(3rd)= Around 20 mins ig

total 3 interviewers 1 was lady from the HR dept.

Ma'am asked my good name and asked me to be seated
then she introduced herself and other 2 interviewers

Interview was mainly in English very little urdu

She asked me to walk her through my journey my academics and future plans...

in the answer i mentioned I decided i was going to become a CA in 8th grade she took interest in that and asked me how come

i said i was inspired by the salary package and 0 unemployment rate

she asked how did knew about the salary package when you were just in 8th grade

i also mentioned i am looking to get inducted in external audit "OR" Tax department she caught that and ask me why did I used the word "or"😭

i said because there is usually a rotation policy
then she said what if we don't offer the rotation policy because it's the firm's decision and i got confused soo i said I won't be okay with that🥲

she asked me to tell her about my family, what is going to be my priority(in terms of different firms), she asked where else have i applied

Then over to the next person

He asked some technical questions like
•types of audit opinion
Answer me i said qualified, Adverse and Disclaimer he looked at me and said what about the unmodified one🤡🥲
•Explain Qualified and Adverse Opinion
•how do we know about the need for impairment
Answer: there are two types of indicators internal and external and then i gave 2 examples
•How do we calculate Impairment
i got confused answering that and then he looked at me and asked me again what's the procedure to calculate Impairment loss(i could tell by the looks in their eyes how satisfied they were with my answer)

soo i told okay we compare Carrying amount with the recoverable amount and recoverable amount is the higher of.....
he shook his head

•what are distinct goods
I asked him to repeat his question (I didn't knew the answer) so i excused myself

•how do we record the receipt of bonus share on my answer(The investor do not record the receipt of bonus shares) he smiled

Over to the next person
(Wo thora atak atak kar English bol rhay thay)
he asked my about which is used 4th or 5th schedule in (I don't remember) private /public company
I answered:both of them and he knoded

•how many directors in a private company i said 1 (pause) or 3 i'm not sure he smiled and said both is not correct i said I'M NOT SURE😭😭😭😭😭😭 (the correct answer is 2-i googled it later)
them he asked me when did i cleared my CLAW exam🥲

then the HR Lady thanked and said they'll get back to me if i'm shortlisted
